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Cooter Turtle Care Sheet

Cooters are omnivores, eating a variety of foods such as pellets, fish, shrimp, and switch to a predominantly herbivorous diet as they age. Turtles can be offered food everyday, or at least three times a week. For 1 to 3 babies, a 10-20 gallon aquarium works for the first year with a water level about the height of your index finger. It is recommended to upgrade tank size to 10 gallons per turtle. A single adult turtle would require at least a 100 gallon aquarium, but can also be housed in a kiddie pool or stock tank. Internal or canister filters can be used to properly filtrate water with bi-weekly water changes. It is also recommended to run a filter rated above the gallons of the tank as turtles are known to make quite a mess. Some species of cooter are more cold tolerant than others, and if your climate allows it, housing cooters outdoors proves to be much more practical given proper enclosure and safety parameters are met. Turtles require a basking area where they can completely dry out and bask under heat and UVB (keep basking temperatures at around 90-95). Turtles are not picky, so anything from bricks, wood, or a turtle dock works for them. Water temperature can remain at ambient room temperature, about 76-80 degrees. All lights should be kept on a day/night cycle. Sand or gravel can be used as substrate, as long as the pieces are larger than the turtles’ heads.